The Ghostbusters II September 29, 1988 is a collaborative draft of Ghostbusters II by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd.
The September 29, 1988 draft shows a shift to a story structure that what will eventually become the final movie version. Lane Walker remains the romantic lead but is now an art restorer and her infant son, now named Mikey, is being targeted by Vigo to be his vessel. Vigo's lackey is now Jason Locke and he is the head of the museum's restoration department who pines for Lane. Dana Barrett makes a guest appearance in the restaurant scene. Locations like Ray's Occult Books, Orrefors and Parkview Psychiatric Hospital are not in this draft. Slimer appears in the script and his main interactions are with Peter Venkman. The ghosts include Vigo and the Scoleri Brothers. Janine Melnitz has a smaller presence in the movie. Mayor Lenny as well but Jack Hardemeyer is not present in the draft. The River of Slime appears but the sewer exploration and swim in the river is not in this draft. The Statue of Liberty is used for good by the Ghostbusters to get into the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The final battle with Vigo is brief as the final fight is mostly the Ghostbusters vs. Jason Locke, who turns into a pterodactyl-like entity that is quickly dealt with.
Some elements of the previous draft are kept in like Lane Walker, Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore going to the birthday party in the backyard, Egon Spengler teaching quantum theory, Peter interviewing three women with alien encounters, Peter's eclectic fans, the pyrogenesis case, and the Ghostbusters and Mayor going on television to tell everyone to be nice to each other.
Differences and Similarities[]
- Page 1 starts Lane Walker returning to her apartment in Greenwich Village. She has a conversation with Frank the Superintendent. She thanks Frank for help with the groceries and promises she will "get the hang of it." Frank makes funny faces at her infant son Mikey. While Lane takes back the groceries, he offers to help take them up. The carriage vibrates as if it was shaken by an unseen hand. She asks Frank if he has time to look at the radiator.
- In the movie, there is no aerial shot and starts on the the Psychomagnotheric Slime coming up through a crack in the sidewalk.
- Page 2 has the brake unlock. The buggy swerves and avoids getting hit by a bus on Sixth Avenue.
- In the movie, it simply starts rolling slowly then fast.
- On page 4, Winston asks Ray how many there are as they drive to The Brownstone. Ray tells him the Brownstone Mother said there are 14. Winston declares he is thinking of quitting. Ray says someone has to do it and jokes, 'who else are they going to call? Bozo?' They go through a set of French doors into a small backyard after they make final adjustments to their equipment.
- In the movie, Ray asks the mother as they walk through the house.
- On page 5, the kids cheer for the Ghostbusters and a couple of weary parents sink into their lawn chairs. The Brownstone Boy is disappointed Bozo isn't coming. Ray tells the story of them going up to the top of 550 Central Park West and mentions the Terror Dogs.
- In the movie, the party is held in the back of the Brownstone. The kids don't cheer for the Ghostbusters arrival.
- On page 6, the Brownstone Boy #2 tells them his father said they are full of crap. Ray tried to change the subject with science and asks the children if any of them ever saw a hard-boiled egg get sucked through the mouth of a Coke bottle.
- In the movie, the Brownstone Boy #2 interacts with Ray at the beginning of their arrival. The Coke bottle line is omitted and shifts right to Ray and Winston leaving the Brownstone.
- On page 6, The World of the Psychic starts in the WOR-TV reception area where World is playing on a bank of monitors in the lobby then the camera pushes in on the show. Peter Venkman's guest are three women who claim to have had some kind of a sexual encounter with aliens.
- In the movie, it starts with Peter making small talk before the episode starts. The topic is predictions of the end of the world. The only guests are Elaine and Milton Angland.
- On page 7, Elaine talks about her encounter at a Paramus Holiday Inn or a room on the ship made to look like one.
- In the movie, Elaine claims the alien then told her his prediction was the world ending on February 14, 2016.
- On page 8, Sarah talks about a spacecraft the size of a dinner plate landing on her head. Peter is silent and holds back.
- In the movie, Peter holds back in reaction to Elaine's story.
- On page 8, Jason Locke stares at Lane as he works on the Vigo painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- In the movie, Jason Locke is Janosz Poha and he is walking the floor commenting on others' work as the Vigo painting is moved into the room at the Manhattan Museum of Art. He walks over to Dana last.
- On page 9, Lane works on restoring a Turner, a 19th century landscape painting. Jason assures her it's okay because it's a 200 year old painting. He tries to ask her out for lunch. She turns him down and he asks if he has bad breath. Lane mentions she has a routine doctor's appointment for Mikey.
- In the movie, she works on a Bonington. Janosz jokes about his paint mixture as making a pretty good cocktail. Vigo turns after Dana leaves and Janosz thinks she likes him.
- On page 10, Lane goes to Columbia University in search of Egon Spengler at the Einstein Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research.
- In the movie, Dana sees Egon before her first scene in the museum.
- On page 11, Lane finds Egon lecturing about celestial mechanics.
- On page 12, Lane tells Egon about the carriage. She confirms hundreds of people saw it. He tells her they look for the simplest explanation first. Lane mentions she remembered the old Ghostbusters commercials.
- In the movie, Dana and Egon have a similar discussion in his lab at the Institute.
- On page 13, Egon calls up Ray and tells him he has something that sounds psychomagnetheric and he agrees to help.
- In the movie, Egon tells her not to worry then Dana kisses him on the cheek and leaves.
- On page 13, Norman tells Peter the telekinetic guy who bends spoons because Peter is too skeptical. Peter retorts he is a pushover and even thinks professional wrestling is real.
- In the movie, Norman only tells Peter the spoon guy canceled because he thinks Peter is a fraud and Peter admits he is one. Normal leaves when Peter sights Lenny.
- On page 14, Peter meets with the station manager David Herman and learns The World of the Psychic is canceled. Herman states the show stinks and nobody watches it. Peter contends the show is just starting to gel, he's been getting mail, and the show has a large cult following. Herman is not swayed. Peter makes a dramatic exit.
- In the movie, the scene is replaced with Peter meeting Jack Hardemeyer.
- On page 15, Peter goes to his waiting fans: a man holding a large crystal, a man wearing an antenna hat, a woman with a hairless cat, and a mojo-man with his eyes bugging out of his head. Peter looks at the cat and comments he once had a bald collie. Egon and Ray are waiting for him but he vehemently refuses to help, citing they bubbled up a 100 foot marshmallow man and blew off the top 3 floors of a very big apartment building. Ray counters you can't make a hamburger without chopping up a cow.
- In the movie, Peter contends he's a voter and Hardemeyer should have kissed his butt. The scene ends here.
- On page 16, Peter reminds them they are on probation and he won't risk ending up in jail again... until he sees Lane Walker.
- On page 17, Peter notices a tape measure and calipers and asks Egon if he's going to knit Mikey a playsuit. Egon hands Peter a specimen jar for a stool sample and Peter asks him 'mine or the baby?' then Peter's "got my nose" happens.
- In the movie, Peter asks 'business or personal' and the "got my nose" happens when he's alone with Oscar after everyone went to his bedroom.
- On page 18, Peter admits he doesn't have a lot of experience with babies. Lane reveals she is divorced and her husband left her when she was pregnant. Peter calls Ray "Holmes" but Ray informs him the room is subdued and there are no valences off of Mikey.
- In the movie, Peter admits his inexperience to Dana then tells Oscar 'mama's come to take a stool sample' to Dana's confusion. Peter enters the bedroom and talks to Egon and Ray.
- On page 19, Ray reveals he spoke to the superintendent and the building has no history of anything paranormal. Egon states he would like to run some gynecological tests on Lane.
- In the movie, Ray's speaking to the super is omitted. Egon's line is preserved in the movie.
- On page 20, gets no trace on the P.K.E. Meter on Sixth Avenue. The Giga meter is introduced and explained as a gauge to measure psychomagnetheric energy in GEVs.
- In the movie, both the P.K.E. Meter and Giga meter pick up readings.
- On page 21 to 23, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has just closed and the last of the visitors and employees are leaving. Jason continues work on Vigo while Rudy the Museum Guard does his rounds. He reminds Jason to sign out when he leaves. He is mesmerized by Vigo. Vigo says a variant of his 'what was will be, what is will be no more' line and tells Jason to present the child. Jason states there is no child. Bolts of red hot energy shoot out from Vigo's eyes into Jason's eyes. Rudy sees him run out the museum. Rudy remarks he knew he would forget to sign out.
- In the movie, Rudy is omitted from the scene and Vigo's speech is much shorter. Janosz repeats "Child" before he's blasted in his eyes.
- On page 23, Ray uses the jackhammer. Peter and Egon assist with picks and shovels. Ray tells the First Cop it's cutting fine.
- In the movie, Egon uses the jackhammer, works alone, and tells the cop it's cutting fine.
- On page 24, Peter tells the cop they're working late on a Friday night because of some douchebag downtown. Egon responds with "Yo!" Later that night, Peter leaves a coffee shop with drinks. They look in the hole.
- In the movie, Ray instead says it is "some diaper back downtown is being a jerk" making them work on a Friday night.
- On page 25, Egon gets a very intense reading with the Giga meter. Peter nominates Ray. Egon seconds it. Peter and Ray both say "aye."
- In the movie, Ray is silent after he realizes he was voted.
- On page 26, Ray is lowered into the Van Horne Station. Egon explains the NYPRR was an experimental subway system built in 1870. Ray sees the River of Slime.
- In the movie, the NYPRR explanation is omitted.
- On page 27, Ray takes a sample with the Slime Scooper.
- On page 28, Ray is hauled up but they stop after the First Cop returns with a Con Edison Supervisor and talks to Peter. They don't fall for his phone lines story and Peter suggests a gas leak. They slap handcuffs on Peter and Egon. Suddenly there is a bright flash from down the hole then there is a blackout. Ray utters a "sorry" in the darkness.
- In the movie, it is shown how Ray causes a blackout. No one is placed in handcuffs.
- On page 29, Lane lights candles in her apartment and listens to news on a transistor radio. She gets a phone call from Jason. He asks her if she needs anything and wants him to come in. She tells him 'No, everything's fine' than after she is staring into candlelight, alone and afraid.
- In the movie, Dana tells Janosz "No, thank you." Dana staring into candlelight is omitted.
- On page 30, Jason is lying on his bed looking at a photo of Lane and Mikey.
- In the movie, Janosz walks down the hall with his eyes projecting a bright light.
- On page 30, Peter calls The Judge an open minded guy. Louis informs them they're making a big mistake because he mostly does tax law and some probate.
- In the movie, the open minded guy line is spoken by Winston. The Judge is named Stephen Wexler.
- On page 31, Louis tells them he got his law degree at night school. The Judge asks counsel if he will make an opening statement. Peter tells Louis that's him. Louis begins but the Judge tells him he's not addressing a jury, just some people waiting for their cases. Louis thinks they are early and his case could take awhile. The Judge agrees at the rate Louis is going.
- In the movie, only Louis's night school line is kept.
- On page 32, Louis moves for a postponement so he has more time to prepare. He is denied. The First Cop is called up as the first witness. He states suspicious electronic equipment was found and at first he thought the Ghostbusters knocked off a Radio Shack.
- In the movie, the First Cop does not testify. The Con Edison Supervisor is asked about the equipment.
- On page 34, Peter testifies they were investigating a paranormal event for a friend.
- In the movie, Peter, through Louis, testifies they were just trying to help out a friend.
- On page 35, Peter states they didn't solicit any business or perform services nor did they perpetrate any fraud by dumping slime into the sewers.
- In the movie, Ray vehemently objects to the Con Ed Supervisor's speculation.
- On page 36, Louis approaches the bench and asks the Judge for some of his water. For his closing argument, Louis tells his story about being stuck in an elevator during the blackout and how he turned into a dog once and the Ghostbusters helped him.
- In the movie, Louis's water request is omitted and the closing argument is his opening. The Prosecutor is a woman in the movie.
- On page 37, Peter tells Louis his closing was short but sweet. The Judge tells him that was the worst presentation of a case then rules them all guilty. He thinks he ought to cite Louis for contempt and have him disbarred.
- In the movie, Egon tells Louis his opening argument was short but pointless. The Judge doesn't evaluate Louis's performance
- On page 39, the Judge tells them he had the Scoleri Brothers electrocuted at Ossining in '48. Peter speculates they want to appeal. The ghosts pound the bench then blast it with finger lightning. They hide in the jury box. Ray points them doing something will expose themselves.
- In the movie, Louis points out the legalities of their restraining order.
- On page 40, the Ghostbusters jump over the rail and dash across to the exhibit table.
- In the movie, the Scoleri Brothers toss the defense table. The Judge, Ghostbusters, and Louis run to the judge's door near the bench.
- On page 41, Egon points out they never tested to find out how long the fuel cells would last without recharging. Ray tells everyone to switch to full stream. Peter asks the ghosts to pick on someone their own size.
- In the movie, the ghosts are absent when the Ghostbusters put on their Proton Packs then the chairs in the gallery are thrown around.
- On page 42, Ray traps the ghosts. They pose for photographs inside the wrecked courtroom.
- In the movie, Egon traps the ghosts. Peter aims at the Trap and barks at it. Egon doesn't talk to the Prosecutor. She is seen in the end credits being tended to by a paramedic. They pose after they step out of the courtroom.
- On page 43, Peter, Ray, and Egon go to the old Firehouse, boarded up, still wrecked, and the gaping hole in the roof is still there. Peter concludes they got too big too fast and their liability insurance didn't cover saving the world.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 44, Egon thinks the continued integrity of the biosphere is everyone's responsibility. Peter thinks they should charge more for saving the world. Ray thinks the damage to the Firehouse is superficial.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 45, Egon admits he doesn't find quantum theory that challenging anymore. Peter proposes they keep the business small this time. They hear a strange sound emanating from the basement.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 46, they encounter Slimer and get slimed.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 46, the full commercial is shown.
- In the movie, the role of the husband and wife are portrayed by Louis and Janine instead of a nameless man and woman.
- On page 48, the Firehouse's old logo comes crashing to the ground then the new one is put up. Peter goes into the Firehouse. Janine tells a caller the Ghostbusters might be in the area later in the week. She tells another caller it sounds like a Free Roaming Vaporous Phantasm if it isn't the landlord.
- In the movie, the new logo is already up and being wiped. Janine tells a caller the Ghostbusters are busy until the New Year and tells him not to go in there.
- On page 49, Janine mentions the weekly special is $199.95, which includes trapping, removal, and a 1 year ghost-free guarantee. She talks to Peter while he walks to the basement with a smoking Trap. He notes she left a great office temp job and informs her they only have unisex restrooms then notes they have to go to the World Trade Center before the Murray Hill case. Janine sighs and hits the alarm button.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 50, Louis slides down a pole after the guys. He tells them because he refiled as a New York Corporation, he needs their Social Security numbers for their W-2 forms. Winston tells him his is 322-36-7366. Louis notes his is 450-27-2149 then mentions he has Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune games on one floppy disc.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 51 to 54, the Ghostbusters go to Drexel, Burnham, and Lambert at the World Trade Center and enter the office of Ed Petrosius, a super successful, very tightly wound and highly charged bond salesman with pyrogenesis.
- In the movie, this case is omitted.
- On page 55, Petrosius is successfully treated with bio-feedback. He sits in a chair and watches a videotape recording of tropical fish in an aquarium while electrodes are attached to his head, chest, and fingertips.
- In the movie, this case is omitted.
- On page 55, Ray tells Peter and Winston they have something to show. Peter asks if it's that thing he can do with his nostrils then if they're going to eat the slime.
- In the movie, it opens with everyone gathered at the table already. Peter asks if they need a spoon.
- On page 57, Ray likens the slime to a baby on mother's milk. Peter ponders the implications and estimates there are at least two million miserable assholes in the five boroughs with bad vibes.
- In the movie, Ray likens the slime to a cop in a doughnut factory. Peter's two million line is used when the Ghostbusters meet with the Mayor later on.
- On page 58, Egon calculates in magnetheric terms, there is enough energy to light Cincinnati until the year 2035. Ray informs them the energy would turn New York into applesauce.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 58, Lane brings Mikey to the bathroom. She is wearing a robe. She turns on the tap water and doesn't notice it switch to slime.
- In the movie, Dana has on a shirt and sweat pants.
- On page 59, Lane takes off her robe. The slime coalesces into a large frog-like creature. She starts to step into the tub and sees the creature. She plugs in a hairdryer, turns it on, and drops it in the tub, electrocuting the creature then she flees. Rudy lets Peter into the museum early next morning to talk to Lane. Mikey is near her in an infant seat.
- In the movie, Dana runs away with Oscar.
- On page 60, Lane reveals she stayed at a hotel overnight. Peter informs her he sent Ray over to investigate. He notices the Vigo painting then tells her she can stay over at his place. Vigo's head turns. Peter maintains things will be strictly professional.
- In the movie, Dana goes straight to Peter's apartment with Oscar.
- On page 61, Peter attempts to cheer Lane up and fools around with her tools. He thinks the Van Meer she is restoring needs more yellow. There is a moment when she grabs his hand. Jason arrives, slightly winded as if he was summoned by Vigo.
- In the movie, Peter looks at her Gauguin painting thinks Dana is really good then she informs him she's just cleaning.
- On page 62, Peter and Jason are introduced. Jason notes he has seen him on television and the Vigo is a self-portrait.
- In the movie, most of Jason's lines are preserved but Janosza's broken English is added.
- On page 63, Peter remarks Vigo could have smiled for his portrait and suggests he needs a 'Mona Lisa job' but Jason tells him you don't go around altering valuable paintings. After Peter leaves, Jason offers to help babysit Mikey.
- In the movie, Jason's line about valuable paintings is preserved. Peter suggests painting in a kitten.
- On page 64-66, Louis pretends to be a Ghostbuster upstairs while Janine prepares to close up for the day. Janine surprises him and he almost blasts her. He notes he celebrates New Years on March 1st to avoid the crowds and big rush. Louis asks her if she's ever been to Tad's and recalls a steak, bakes potato, roll, and salad with choice of dressing all for $5.29.
- This later changes with the addition of Slimer into a deleted scene.
- On page 67, Peter sees Lane in the shower. She is tastefully blurred through the transparent vinyl curtain. He checks on the sleeping Mikey then bumps into Lane. He proposes they go out on a date.
- In the movie, Dana is already done taking a shower and the both go see Oscar after they talk about what Ray and Egon found in her apartment and going on a date.
- On page 68-70, Peter shaves in the shower while Lane puts on makeup in the bathroom. Lane offers to finish in the bedroom. Peter quips he hopes they both do. She doesn't hear him then flushes a Kleenex, jolting him in the shower. They discuss sleeping arrangements. He notes her hair will be getting in his face all night. She suggests he sleep on the couch.
- In the movie, Dana informs Peter he has a hamper then he tells her he was more than two grades of laundry. The sleeping arrangements comes up earlier when Dana and Oscar first go to Peter's apartment.
- On page 70, Egon, Ray, and Winston arrive outside Peter's door to invite him to their sewer investigation. Peter guesses an all-you-can-eat barbecue at Sizzler.
- In the movie, they approach Peter outside his apartment. This becomes an alternate scene.
- On page 72, they pass by Janine and Louis in the hall. Peter jokes they were helping change a diaper. Janine survey's Peter's apartment and asks him if he really lives there. Peter jokes it's a front and his real apartment is behind one of the walls.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 73, Peter is okay with Louis joining and tells him he doesn't want to come home and find them humping on his couch.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 73, Peter and Lane step out of a cab at Memphis Restaurant, on the Upper West Side.
- In the movie, this is omitted. The location is changed to Armand's Restaurant.
- On page 74, Janine watches TV while Louis paces around with a crying Oscar and a bottle of milk. Louis tells a slightly longer version of his take on the Seven Dwarfs ending on them not filing state and federal income taxes which he admits he's not saying is right but they could've gotten into a lot of trouble. He realizes Oscar is asleep and elects to finish his story later.
- In the movie, Janine has lines and Louis tells a shorter version of Seven Dwarfs.
- On page 75, Peter sings his New Year's resolution not to change. Lane's resolution is to get a Master's degree in Fine Arts, save money to move to the country, and to stop getting involved with men who aren't good for her. Peter asks he should get out of her life in the morning and he isn't good for himself. They are about to kiss but Dana sees them.
- In the movie, no resolutions are discussed.
- On page 76, it turns out Dana and Lane know each other. They both went to Bennington College and Dana used to date Lane's brother.
- On page 77, Dana's date at the restaurant is revealed to be Sting. Peter asks him what he does for work.
- On page 78, Ray, Egon, and Winston enter dripping with foul muck.
- In the movie, Ray, Egon, and Winston's sewer investigation is shown.
- On page 79, taking note of Lane's reaction Peter takes them aside and tells them he realizes they have no personal lives but he would like to score at least once a year.
- In the movie, Peter yells at them that they are scaring the straights.
- On page 80, Ray takes out a street map. Lane points out the slime flows right around the museum.
- In the movie, no map is used.
- On page 80, a public fountain at 59th and Fifth spouts slime. St. Mark's Playhouse is host to an All Night New Year's Eve 3-D Horror Show. Moviegoers mistake the ghosts for being part of the movie and applaud.
- In the movie, these events are omitted. St. Mark's Playhouse was a discarded idea from drafts of the first movie. Movieland Theater takes its place and is a brief scene of people running out because of a Theatre Ghost.
- On page 81, a drain pipe drips Psychomagnotheric slime into the Hudson River near the Cunard Line docks. The New Year's countdown reaches zero. Peter and Lane kiss.
- In the movie, the events are omitted. Peter and Dana kiss during their not-date at Armand's. New Years takes place at the end.
- On page 82, the Woman with Fur Coat is bit by her coat. The doorman yanks the coat off.
- In the movie, the woman throws the mink coat off.
- On page 83, the Manhattan Central Police Precinct is swamped with calls. A sergeant gets a call he has to tell the lieutenant about.
- In later drafts, the precinct becomes the Midtown Central Police Precinct.
- On page 84, the Dock Supervisor and his assistant at Pier 34 stare at the Titanic.
- In the movie, the Supervisor retorts "Better late than never."
- On page 84, the Ghostbusters meet with the Mayor, City Council, and heads of departments in secret at the City Council Chambers because they don't want to start a panic.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 85, the Mayor mentions the Titanic. Peter quips, "Better late than never." Before they agree to help, Peter points out to the Mayor the last time they helped the city, he stiffed them and brings up "Ancient Sumerians, big lizard dogs, and a hundred-foot marshmallow man." Peter wants them to be paid upfront this time.
- In the movie, the Dock Supervisor has the "Better late than never" line. The rest is omitted.
- On page 86, the Mayor tells them he is prepared to indemnify and insure them against any and all damage claims. Winston request to have his parking tickets fixed, too. The Ghostbusters explain anarchy and chaos threatens the world. Ray likens it to the Fall of Rome, the Hundred Year War, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and two World Wars.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 87, the Ghostbusters stipulate that everyone being nice to each other will prevent things from getting any worse. The Mayor is adamant being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God-given right. He asks what they're supposed to do, go on television and tell people to be nice to one another. The NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw is interrupted by the Ghostbusters and Mayor
- In the movie, the Mayor's line appears earlier during the meeting with the Ghostbusters. The rest is omitted.
- On page 88, the Ghostbusters and Mayor present a special edition of the World of the Psychic. The Mayor declares a state of emergency. Peter states everyone has to lighten up for a couple of days.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 89, a hotline 1-800-SHAPE-UP is presented. Priests, rabbis, and licensed psychotherapists are on stand by to counsel people. Egon lists Cumbaya, All You Need Is Love, Give Peace a Chance, It's a Small World, and Ray Steven's Everything is Beautiful are listed as songs that have a calming effect. The first chorus of Everything is Beautiful is sung by the Ghostbusters and City Council.
- In the movie, the sole song is Higher and Higher.
- On page 90, at a bar, a stevedore and a trucker get into it. A tremor rumbles. They get nervous and sing. On a crowded city bus, lady enters with an armload of packages.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 91, everyone one the bus greats her with a rousing welcome. In Madison Square Garden, the New York Islanders and Chicago Blackhawks clear their benches for a brawl but a tremor cracks the ice. The organist plays "Everything is Beautiful."
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 92, two players smile sweetly at each other and reveal they have a lot of teeth already missing.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 92, Slimer hovers outside Peter's apartment, sentimentally googling over Mikey. Peter comes home, sees Slimer, yells at him to get away, Slimer licks his lips, Peter realizes he made mistake, and he is slimed.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 93, Jason scowls at a young couple asking for directions to Second Avenue. He makes the woman's skirt fly up repeatedly.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 94, Lane is cooking pasta but Peter is in a rush to get back to the Firehouse. They hug and kiss.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 95, Peter tells Slimer to beat it. Slimer gestures incoherently. Peter pulls down a window shade. Slimer comes inside and mimes and grunts. Lane starts to get it.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 96, Slimer gestures a cradling baby. They check and the crib is empty. Slimer beckons them to come outside with him. They discover Mikey is outside on the ledge.
- In the movie, Dana feels a breeze and discovers Oscar is outside on the ledge.
- On page 97, Peter goes out on the ledge and tells Mikey he has his whole life ahead of him. A nanny ghost materializes and its face looks like Jason's.
- In the movie, Dana goes out on the ledge and the ghost is Janosz.
- On page 98, Peter grabs Mikey just in time but the nanny ghost beats Peter with an umbrella then they get into a tug of war over it. Eventually, Peter lets go. The ghost's stretched arms smacks himself. He charged Peter.
- In the movie, the Janosz ghost simply extends an arm and grabs Oscar and leaves.
- On page 99, the pram slams into Peter and he drops Mikey who lands in the pram.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 100, only Winston fires at the slime shell.
- In the movie, all four Ghostbusters fire.
- On page 101, the Ghostbusters meet with the Mayor at Gracie Mansion. He is in a robe and pajamas. He absolutely rejects their plan.
- In the movie, the Ghostbusters meet with the Mayor at Gracie Mansion earlier in the movie after the restaurant.
- On page 102, Peter tells the Mayor to take care of it himself. The Mayor relents. He goes with them to Liberty Island and still can't believe he's letting them use the Statue of Liberty.
- In the movie, the scene is omitted.
- On page 103, Ray and Peter hose the interior of the Statue of Liberty.
- In the movie, Ray and Winston hose the interior.
- On page 104, "Everything is Beautiful" is played. The torch bursts into flame. Winston admits he never visited the Statue of Liberty.
- In the movie, "Higher and Higher" is played. Winston's admission is omitted.
- On page 105 at the South St. Seaport, celebrants line up at the riverfront pointing and gawking at the Statue of Liberty. Winston admits he can't swim. Egon states they would survive approximately 15 minutes in that freezing cold water. Ray thinks they should keep to the middle of the channel, they're okay to 59th, and they should take First Avenue to 79th. Peter disagrees and tells him there will be bridge traffic so they should take 72nd straight up to Fifth. Peter brings up he used to drive a cab.
- In the movie, this is omitted.
- On page 106, the Statue goes up Broadway and turns on Fifth Avenue. After stepping on a car, Peter says the Statue is new in town. Jason paints symbols on Mikey that are identical to ones seen in the Vigo painting. Jason uses paint from the canvas.
- In the movie, the lines and scene are omitted.
- On page 107, sunlight shines through the museum skylight and moves up the Vigo painting. Jason holds up Mikey and he glows. The Statue smashes the skylight.
- In the movie, it is New Year's Eve night and Oscar is on an altar.
- On page 108, Jason transforms into a monstrous creature 12 feet tall with pterodactyl wings, clawed tentacles, and long fangs. The Ghostbusters hose him with pink slime. Jason dissolves into a smoking harmless puddle. Vigo screams as the painting melts.
- In the movie, the Ghostbusters hose Janosz upon landing. After a longer battle with Vigo, he is weakened by people singing outside then his blasted into oblivion.
- On page 109, Peter calls Mikey a sailor after seeing the symbols painted on him. Egon thinks the new painting is Caravaggio or Brunelleschi. They leave the museum and Lane runs up to them, kissing Mikey.
- In the movie, Egon thinks Raphael, or Pierro de la Francesca. Dana is in the museum with them.
- On page 110, Peter and Lane kiss. She then kisses the others. The Statue of Liberty is on its back on Central Park. The Mayor laments it was just restored. Louis tries to placate him and points out people won't have to go all that way on a ferry. The Mayor looks at him like he's crazy. Weeks later, a ceremony is held on Liberty Island.
- On pages 111, the Ghostbusters reflect on their ancestors seeing Ellis Island. Egon's grandparents came from Ostrov, Poland. Ray's great grandparents were Swiss and allegedly seeking 'other kinds of cheeses.' Peter's family was little bit of everything due to the Venkman women sleeping around. Lane thought it was a terrible thing to say. Peter quips it's a free country. It ends on a high shot of the Statue and New York City.
- This conversation was moved to an epilogue that was deleted from the movie but some scenes were reused for the end credits sequence.
See Also[]
External Links[]
- The entire September 29, 1988 draft can be read at Spook Central in the Ghostbusters II script section.