Ghostbusters Wiki
Ghostbusters Wiki

The Air Sickness is a action vehicle which is part of Kenner's The Real Ghostbusters Toy Line's line. This is one of the two Haunted Vehicles released, the other being Wicked Wheelie.

Toy Descriptions[]

Air Sickness
Pilot ghost
with Winged ghost
and Motor ghost
and Seat ghost

Back of Card Instruction[]

Here's a pilot and his plane that you can roll to take-off. But watch out! They convert into...
Air Sickness! It's a team of frightful ghosts: pilot ghost, winged ghost, motor ghost, and seat ghost!
The Real Ghostbusters Heroes will get a rise out of the ghastly group!

Booklet Description[]

Description from Action Toy Guide
It's a pilot and his plane that change into a team of frightful ghosts: pilot ghost, wing ghost, motor ghost and seat ghost!


External Links[]

