Ghostbusters Wiki
Ghostbusters Wiki
GB Fan Club Pittsburgh Press

The first Official Ghostbusters Fan Club was founded on July 3, 1984 by Mark Lister and Jim Garvey of Swissvale, Pennsylvania, who paid Columbia Pictures an estimated $10,000 for the right to operate an official fan club. The fan club operated domestically, as well as internationally. Applicants would send in their money and fill out a ghostbusting job application. There was no guaranteed acceptance, but no applicant was ever rejected - even Samantha, a dog who sent in her paw print as proof of her interest in Ghostbusters. For the $8.95 registration fee, members received the following

  • A personal membership card.
  • The official Ghostbusters metal badge.
  • A Certificate of Anti-Paranormal Proficiency, four "This Property Protected by Ghostbusters" color stickers.
  • An Ectomobile sticker.
  • A Ghostbusters logo patch.
  • One-year subscription to the quarterly newsletter entitled The Official Trade Journal of Certified Ghostbusters.

Fan Club Promotion[]



External Links[]

